Sunday, September 21, 2008

Neck pain : Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

I have been surfing and blogging in the net quite some years during my younger days. Then I landed myself some pain in the neck, arm , and hands. And when I consulted the doctor and he informed me I had developed Cervical spondylosis. 

Story by: peterhutch

Most people will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. Neck pain can be acute, meaning it lasts a few hours to a few weeks, or it can be chronic. Neck pain that lasts several weeks or longer is considered chronic neck pain.

The neck (cervical spine) is composed of vertebrae that begin in the upper torso and end at the base of the skull. The bony vertebrae along with the ligaments (which are comparable to thick rubber bands) provide stability to the spine. The muscles allow for support and motion.

Causes of Neck Pain

Muscle strains usually related to sustained physical activity such as sitting at computer terminals for prolonged periods of time. Acute strain may occur after sleeping in an awkward position.

Osteoarthritis resulting from the narrowing of the intervertebral discs located between the vertebrae of the spine. 

Spinal stenosis which is a narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal cord (cervical myelopathy). The narrowing is caused by disc bulging, bony spurs and thickening of spinal ligaments.

Cervical spondylosis

With everyday use over many years the discs and the facet joints become worn. This wear varies from person to person. The discs become thinner and this causes the spaces between the vertebrae to become narrower. Also, 'spurs' of bone, known as osteophytes, form at the edges of the vertebrae and the facet joints. 


Most muscles of the body relax completely when they are not being used but some muscles (known as 'anti-gravity muscles') have to work all the time in order to keep your body upright. Muscles at the back of your neck must always be tensed, otherwise your head would fall forwards when you are sitting or standing.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

Noisy joints

You may hear or feel clicking or grating (called 'crepitus') as you move your head. This is caused by roughened bony surfaces moving against each other or by ligaments rubbing against bone.

Neck pain is commonly associated with dull aching. Sometimes pain in the neck is worsened with movement of the neck. Other symptoms associated with some forms of neck pain include numbness, tingling, tenderness, sharp shooting pain, fullness, difficulty swallowing, pulsations, swishing sounds in the head, dizziness or lightheadedness, and gland swelling.


Stockbyte/Getty Images - computerSpending a lot of time in front of a computer screen can damage the muscles in your eyes. This can lead to eye strain or eye fatigue.

Smoky environments

Smoky environments can irritate the eye's delicate membranes. If you can't avoid smoke, make sure you keep your eyes moist with eyewash or eye drops.

Treatments of neck pain

Applying ice massages for 5 to 10 minutes at a time to a painful area within the first 48 hours of pain onset can help relieve pain as can heat, which relaxes the muscles. Heat should be applied for pains lasting greater than 48 hours. Over-the-counter pain relievers.

Rest. Lie down from time to time during the day to give your neck a rest from holding up your head. Avoid prolonged rest, since too much inactivity can cause increased stiffness in your neck muscles.

Neck exercises and stretching. Your doctor may recommend that you work with a physical therapist to learn neck exercises and stretches. A physical therapist can guide you through these exercises and stretches.

Medical Treatment

Pain medications: Usually in the form of acetaminophen (Tylenol) with or without an anti-inflammatory medicine such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). It may take several days to settle the pain down. Stronger narcotic-containing medicines are usually not necessary, but your doctor may provide these for the first few days.

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Best Laptop Computers

By: PoojaLapasia


Laptop computers are gaining popularity and are advancing to replace the desktop computers. Newer trends and innovations in laptop computers are making them a gullible buy. Laptop computers have evolved over the years; they have reduced in size and are pumping up in performance. There are different types of laptop computers but the 4 broad categories are, ultra portable laptop computers, mid-sized or popular laptops, gaming laptops and business laptops. The size of the laptop computer varies in each category and the cost differs according. 

You need to prioritize your usage type and then narrow down on a purchase. The most popular laptop might not serve your need to the fullest. Hence you need to buy a laptop computer that has a configuration to meet your needs. With growing competition there are many low price laptop computers which can fit most budgets. These low priced laptop computers have the capacity to perform basic computing functions and some of them even offer scope for up gradation. The life of a laptop is around one year if it doesn’t offer up gradations, this is if you want to use enhanced software applications which are out in the market every month. 

You can get also get second hand laptop computers if you are on a tight budget. Gamers usually look out for the best laptop computers in the market and are willing to sell off the old ones at reasonable rates. The popular brands of laptop computers are Acer, Sony, Dell, Hp, and Toshiba to name a few. Laptops run on different processor and the most popular ones are the Intel technology and AMD technology. These processors are world-renowned and are known for their enduring performance. 

You can accessorize your laptop computer to make it functional as a desktop computer. If you are not used to the touch pad mouse you can get yourself a wireless mouse attachment. Most Laptop Computers lacks the thumping audio quality, you can gear up your laptop with a set of good sounding speakers. You can get wireless synchronization of your laptop with other devices by using a Bluetooth dongle. This makes your file transfers easy and convenient. You can buy laptop computers online through popular online shopping based websites. These sites offer a wide variety and also give you option of comparing various laptop computers across brands. You can also get great deals, offers and discounts if you shop online.


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Pooja Lapasia is a well known author and has written articles on Acer Laptops , Laptop store,Laptop Computers , online shop and many other subjects.





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